
Derichebourg Spain, being conscious that its activities generate effects on the Environment, assumes his social responsibility in its protection and compromises in the continuous improvement of the environmental management at the production plants, adopting the necessary measures to prevent and minimize the pollution and, at the same time, maximize the positive effects that Recycling and raw material production has for Society.

Care for Environment is not an option for Derichebourg Spain, it is part of its own personality since its origins

Environmental Basic Principles:

  • To consider environment protection as a prior objective, adopting environmental criteria in the process of planning and decision-making, and keeping a determination of continuous improvement in this matter.
  • To promote and stimulate at all organization levels an inside culture of continuous improvement of the correct environment management; training, involving and making responsible all the staff to reach this goal.
  • To assure the fulfilment of this Policy, with the settlement of an Environment Management System, that allows reaching the objectives, and guarantees the client and the public in general that the products and services provided are environmental friendly.

You can also check our Environmental Performance.

medio ambiente
el medio ambiente